Account Management: A Comprehensive Guide

Account Management in Authoring Studio

On the right side of the Top Fixed Menu, you will find the Account menu, which displays your name.
The location of the Account menu within the Top Fixed Menu

To set up your account, click on My Account in the Account menu.

My Account option within the Account  Menu

My Account page includes the following sections: Account, Password, Authenticator, Sessions.

The sections within My Account page


The Account feature allows you to change your profile information. You can modify various aspects of your account, including your username, email address, first name, and last name.

To edit your account information, go to My Account within the Account menu on the studio's Top Fixed Menu.

My Account option is highlighted in the Account  Menu
Overview of Account Section

Note: the username is not editable as it is typically a fixed identifier.
Update your account details as needed by clicking on each field and making the necessary modifications.

After making changes, save them using the Save button.
Details of Edit Account section


To bolster the security of your account, it is advisable to periodically change your password.
To change your password, go to My Account within the Account menu on the studio's Top Fixed Menu.
My Account option which is highlighted in the Account  Menu

On the My Account page, you will find a section labeled Password.

Overview of Password Section

Click on the Password section to access the password update interface. Input your current password and your new password. Confirm the new password by entering it again in the designated field. To apply the new password, click the Save button.

Details of Change Password section


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a robust security feature that adds an additional layer of protection to your account. When 2FA is activated, successful login requires more than just your password. This added security measure ensures unauthorized users cannot access your studio account, even if they obtain your password. By implementing 2FA, you significantly enhance the security of your account.

Initiate two-factor authentication by going to My Account via the Account menu on the studio's Top Fixed Menu.

My Account option within the Account  Menu

On the My Account page, you will see a section labeled Authenticator.

Overview of Authenticator Section

Click on the Authenticator section to access the two-factor authentication setup.

Follow the instructions to set up two-factor authentication, typically linking your account to an authentication app or receiving expirable codes via email or text.

After completing the setup, confirm the activation of two-factor authentication for added security.

Details of Authenticator section


This section provides information about your account activity.

To view information about your session, click on My Account via the Account menu on the studio's Top Fixed Menu.

My Account option

On the My Account page, find the Sessions section.

Overview of  Sessions  Section

In the Sessions section, you can view information related to your session, including your IP address and first and last login details.

Details of Sessions section


1. Is my username editable in the Account section?
No, your username is a fixed identifier and cannot be edited.

2. How do I enhance my account's security with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
Activate 2FA by clicking My Account in the Account menu. In the Authenticator section, follow the setup instructions to add an extra layer of security.

3. How can I view my session information?
To view session details, click on My Account within the Account menu. Scroll down to the Sessions section, where you can find information like your IP address and login history.

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