What is a "New Section" and How to Add It

Adding a Section in Authoring Studio

New Section: In each book, you can create new sections to further structure your content and improve readability. Sections act as containers for organizing chapters.

Follow these steps to integrate a new section into your content:
1. Locate New Section and click on it. This will open the Create New Section window.

2. Inside the window, you will find a form where you can enter the title for your new section.
3. Enter the desired title for your section.

4. Click the Create Section button within the Create New Section window.

By performing this action, a new section will be added to your document's structure.

You can always cancel the process by clicking the Cancel button within the Create New Section window.


1. What is the purpose of adding a new section in PUBNiTO Studio?
Adding sections helps structure content within a book, enhancing organization and readability. Sections serve as containers for organizing chapters.
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