Different Sections of Collaboration Tools

Authoring Studio's Collaboration Tools

Studio has collaboration tools that make working together easy, helping teams talk easily, keep track of changes, and work better.

Online People 

This tab shows who's working on the book with you. It's on the left side of the studio and shows the names and roles of people online. You can use this tab by clicking on the Online People tab in the left-side bar.

Chat Tab

The Chat Tab in Studio is like instant messaging for people working on a book. Here's how it works:

  1. See Messages: You'll see messages exchanged between collaborators. This keeps the chat relevant and up-to-date.
  2. Get Book Updates: The Chat Tab also shows you real-time updates about what's happening with the book.
How to Use the Chat Tab:
1. Open the Chat Tab: Find this tab on the left-side bar of the Studio interface.

2. Send Messages: Type your message in the chat field and hit the Send button. Your message goes to everyone editing the book at that time.

3. System Notifications: Studio will let you know about important actions like when a chapter is saved, created, renamed, or when someone starts editing the book. These updates help you keep track of the book's progress.

Notes Tab

The Notes Tab in Studio is like a shared notebook for everyone working on the book. Here's how to use it:
1. Click on the Notes Tab. Look at the left-side bar in the chapter editor in Studio. Click on the Notes tab to open it.

2. Sharing Information: Use this tab to write and share important pieces of text, tips, or reminders with your team.

3. Saving Changes: Don't forget to click Save Note to save your changes and additions.

Chapter Comments Tab

The Chapter Comments Tab in Studio lets you easily add and handle comments on parts of a chapter. This is great for collaborative discussions and feedback.

How to Use It:
1. Selecting Text to Comment On: Choose the text you want to comment on by highlighting it. This could be any part of the chapter.

2. Accessing the Chapter Comments Tab: After selecting the text, go to the Chapter Comments tab on the right side menu of the chapter editor.

3. Comment Entry: A dialog box to type will show up for you to write your comment on the chosen text.

4. Insert a Comment: Click Insert Comment in the Chapter Comments tab.

Write your comment and press Save.

A comment symbol will then appear next to the text. Click the comment icon to see or manage the comment. This symbol also shows at the bottom of the chapter in the contents list, showing there are comments.

5. Comment Options: After commenting, you can take 3 actions:

  1. Resolve: Click Resolved if the discussion is done or the issue is solved. The comment symbol will change color.

  1. Delete: Remove the comment if it's not needed anymore.
  2. Reply: Respond to a comment or keep the conversation going by clicking Reply and writing your comments.

Tracking Options

Tracking changes is important when working together on a document or project. These tracking options let you easily manage edits in shared documents. Choose to track changes, show them, and accept or reject edits as needed. Find this feature in the chapter editor's right-side menu. Here are the available options:

1. Track Changes for This Revision Only:

On: If you turn this on, any changes you make are recorded only for the current revision. These changes won't affect the whole document unless you accept them.

Off: Turning this off means changes aren't tracked. Edits are made directly to the document.

Note: Only the book owner and author can see this option.

2. Show Changes:

Yes: This shows edits made to the document. New text is green, and deleted text is red with a strikethrough.

No: Choosing this means changes won't be shown. It's good if you want a clean view of the document.

Note: This option only hides changes you have made. Other people's changes are always shown.
Note: Hover your mouse over highlighted sections to see who made the changes and when.

3. Actions:

  1. Accept All Changes: This accepts all the changes made to the document.

  1. Decline All Changes: This removes all the changes, returning the document to how it was.

  1. Accept One: Choosing this lets you approve changes one at a time, reviewing each edit individually.

  1. Decline One: Choosing this lets you decline changes one at a time, reviewing each edit individually.

When someone is actively working on a chapter, their username appears in the chapter's listing on the table of contents. Only one person can edit a chapter at a time, and others must wait until they leave. The book owner has the authority to terminate someone from the chapter.


1. What does the "Online People" tab in Studio display?
The "Online People" tab shows the names and roles of individuals currently working on the book within Studio. It's located on the left side and lists the collaborators who are online.

2. How can I utilize the Chat Tab in Studio for collaboration?
The Chat Tab serves as an instant messaging platform for individuals working on a book. You can exchange messages, stay updated with book-related changes, and communicate in real-time with collaborators.

3. How do I use the Notes Tab within Studio for collaborative purposes?
To use the Notes Tab, click on it in the left-side bar of the chapter editor. This tab functions as a shared notebook, allowing users to share important text, tips, or reminders with the team. Ensure to click "Save Note" to preserve any changes or additions made.

4. What is the purpose of the Chapter Comments Tab in Studio?
The Chapter Comments Tab facilitates the addition and management of comments on specific parts of a chapter. It's beneficial for collaborative discussions and feedback among collaborators working on the book.

5. What tracking options are available in Studio for managing edits in shared documents?
Studio provides various tracking options, including the ability to track changes for specific revisions, show or hide edits made to the document, accept or decline all changes collectively or individually, and view the revision history in the Table of Contents.

6. Can multiple individuals edit a chapter simultaneously in Studio?
No, Studio allows only one person to edit a chapter at a time. When someone is actively working on a chapter, their username appears in the chapter's listing on the table of contents. The book owner holds the authority to terminate someone from editing the chapter.
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