Accessing the Book Information Page and Provided Information

Book Details (Information) in the Store

The book information page is a key area for readers, offering many features to help them learn about and enjoy a book.
You can see this page when you click on a book anywhere inside the store.

It includes the following information:
Book Cover: The book's cover image.

Title: The book's title is clearly shown, making it easy for users to recognize and understand.

Authors: This part shows the authors' names as clickable links, allowing users to easily click on them to view the authors' information pages.

Five-Star Rating: A way for users to rate the book and give feedback.

Table of Contents: A quick way to see the book's sections or chapters.

Bookmark: Let users save the book for later. 

Share This Book: You can get a short link for easy sharing on social media or with friends.

Book Description: A brief overview of what the book is about. 

Free/Price: It shows if the book is free or its price, helping users decide easily.

Add to Cart/Add to Library:
Add to Cart: For paid books, users will encounter this option, enabling them to add the book to their cart. After selection, a modal window prompts the user with two choices: View Store Cart or Continue to Store.

Add to Library: When the book is free, users will see the Add to Library option, allowing them to add the book to their library with a simple click. Upon selection, a modal window appears, presenting users with two choices: Read This Book or Continue to Store.

Reviews Tab:

  1. Rating Snapshot: A quick view of the book's ratings.

  1. Average Customer Ratings: The average rating of the book from users.

  1. Review for This Book: a place for users to write their own reviews

Adding a Review:
  1. To add a review, click the Reviews tab, select Write Review, rate the book, write your thoughts, and Submit Review.

Reviews (Comments):
  1. Number of Reviews: Shows how many comments or reviews are posted.

  1. Sort By: Options to filter comments by Most Recent, Most Useful, and Most Useless.

  1. Commenter's Name and 5-Star Rating: The commenter's name and their 5-star rating of the book are listed for an immediate overview.

  1. Reply Option: Lets users or admins respond to comments.

  1. Useful/Useless Icons: Let users mark comments as helpful or not.

  1. Three-Dot Menu: For editing or deleting comments.

Editing/Deleting a Review (Comment):
  1. Go to the Reviews tab.

  1. Find the comment you wish to edit or delete.

  1. Click on the Three-Dot Menu to see Edit and Delete. Click on Edit to modify your comment. Click on Delete to remove it. 

  1. Go to the Reviews tab.

  1. Click on the View Review option.

  1. To edit your comment, make the necessary changes in the provided box within the modal.

  1. To delete a comment, simply click on the Delete Review option in the opened modal.

More Information Tab:

  1. Description: The full book description. 

  1. Additional Information: Details like vendor, publication, authors, ISBN, and subjects. 

  1. About the Authors: Information about the author, their other books, and a link to their profile.

  1. Tags: Keywords to help find similar books.

Table of Contents Tab: Shows the book's chapters or sections.

Recommended Books: It suggests other books based on your reading preferences.


1. How does the Table of Contents feature assist users?
The Table of Contents briefly overviews the book's sections or chapters. Additionally, for logged-in users who have purchased or downloaded the free book, the Table of Contents transforms into clickable links, allowing direct access to desired chapters upon clicking.

2. What functionality does the Bookmark offer?
Bookmark allows users to save the book for later reference or access.

3. Can I share information about the book easily?
Yes, on the book information page, Share This Book offers a short link for effortless sharing on social media or with friends.

4. How can I add a book to my Cart or Library?
For paid books, the Add to Cart option allows users to add the book to their cart, while for free books, the Add to Library option facilitates adding the book directly to the user's library.

5. What information can I find under the Reviews Tab?
The Reviews Tab on the book information page offers a range of information, including the book's ratings, average customer ratings, and a space for users to write their reviews.

6. How can I edit or delete a review/comment?
Users can edit or delete a review or comment directly from the Reviews Tab on the book information page. Find the specific comment, and by clicking on the Three-Dot Menu, users can edit or delete it.