Overview of Chapters and Sections

Chapter and Section Display and Arrangement in Authoring Studio

Detail View

When managing your content in Studio's Table of Contents, you will notice that the default view shows an overview of chapters and sections in Detailed View. This option is active by default, and clicking it deactivates the Detail View, displaying the compact view.

In the Detail View, you will see the status updates for each chapter and the chapters assigned to each person for collaboration in writing/editing. This feature allows you to track your work progress in a quick way.

Expand all Sections / Collapse all Sections

To streamline navigation, the Expand all Sections and Collapse all Sections buttons are located at the top right corner of the screen. This functionality offers a quick way to tailor your view.

When a section is expanded, its arrow points downward, revealing the chapters within. On the other hand, when collapsed, the arrow points to the right, indicating hidden chapters. By clicking the Expand/Collapse arrow, you can easily toggle the section's state, switching between expansion and collapse as needed.

Arranging Chapters and Sections

To change the order of a chapter or section, simply click and hold on the item you want to move, drag it up or down to the desired position, and release it to drop it into place. If you are moving a section that contains chapters, the chapters will be automatically moved along with the section.

Take the time to practice using this drag-and-drop interface. Once familiar with it, arranging your book's table of contents will be quick.

As mentioned earlier in the Adding a Chapter section, when you create a new chapter, it will appear at the bottom of the table of contents without any section association. To include your new chapter in a specific section, simply drag and move it to the desired location within the table of contents.

Tip: If the chapter appears below the desired section but is not indented, simply drag it to the right. This action will indent the chapter, indicating that it now belongs to that section.


1. What is Detailed View in Studio's Table of Contents?
The Detailed View provides an extensive overview of chapters and sections, displaying status updates for each chapter and collaboration assignments. It allows for tracking work progress efficiently.

2. How can I switch between Detailed View and Compact View?
By default, Studio presents the Table of Contents in Detailed View. Clicking on Detailed View deactivates it, showcasing the compact view.

3. How can I Expand or Collapse all Sections within the Table of Contents?
At the top-right corner of the screen, options to Expand all Sections or Collapse all Sections are provided for easy navigation. Expanding reveals chapters within sections, while collapsing hides them, offering a tailored view.

4. How can I rearrange the order of chapters and sections?
To rearrange, click and hold on the item you want to move, then drag it up or down to the desired position and release it. Moving a section with chapters automatically repositions the chapters within the section.

5. How do I associate a newly created chapter with a specific section?
When a new chapter is created, it appears at the bottom without any section association. Drag and move it to the desired location within the Table of Contents to assign it to a specific section. Indent the chapter by dragging it to the right under the desired section.

6. Is there a quick way to manage the visibility of chapters within sections?
Clicking the Expand/Collapse arrow beside a section toggles its state, expanding or collapsing chapters for streamlined navigation.
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