How to Edit HTML Elements in Chapter Editor

Edit Raw HTML in Authoring Studio: Customizing Your Document's HTML Code

How to Use HTML Settings for Advanced Customization

The HTML settings action lets you directly edit the HTML code of your document for detailed adjustments and customizations.


1. Click on the Edit menu at the top left of the chapter editor.

2. In the Edit menu, select Edit Raw HTML.

3. A modal with your document's HTML code will open. Here, you can add, modify, or format HTML elements as needed.

4. After making your HTML edits, click the Set button to apply them.


1. What does the HTML settings feature allow me to do?
The HTML settings feature provides direct access to edit the HTML code of your document, enabling detailed adjustments and customizations beyond standard formatting options.

2. How can I access the HTML settings to edit the code?
Follow these steps:
  1. Click on the "Edit" menu at the top left of the chapter editor.
  2. From the "Edit" menu, select "Edit Raw HTML."
3. What happens when I select "Edit Raw HTML" from the menu?
Upon selecting "Edit Raw HTML," a modal will open, displaying the HTML code of your document. This allows you to add, modify, or format HTML elements directly.

4. What modifications can I make in the HTML editor modal?
Within the HTML editor modal, you can add new HTML elements, modify existing ones, apply specific formatting, or make detailed structural adjustments to your document's code.

5. Are there any precautions before editing the HTML directly?
It's advisable to understand HTML coding well to avoid unintended changes that might affect the document's structure or formatting. Always make a backup of your content before making significant HTML edits.

6. Can I undo changes made through the HTML settings feature?
Unfortunately, there's no direct "undo" option for changes made within the HTML editor. However, you can manually revise the HTML code or revert to a previous version if you've saved backups.
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