Explore, Discover, and shop Books on the Online Bookstore

Navigating the Store Homepage

Logo: Recognize top bookstore brands by the logo on the top left. Click on it to go back to the main page.
Store (Homepage Entry): Click the Store icon to go to the homepage, your starting point in the bookstore.
Library: Find your saved or bought books here.
Subjects: Browse different topics by looking through subjects.
Cart: See the books you've picked, review them, or go to checkout.
Search: Use the search to find books by title, author, publisher, or tags. The search box is at the top of the homepage and remains easily accessible within the top menu as you scroll.
Login/Register: Sign up or log in to handle purchases and get to content.
Language Menu: Pick your preferred language for a better experience.
Download Apps: Check out our apps for different devices, offering more than just reading. Enjoy easy navigation and interactive features.

Book Display Sections:

These sections display different books, and their layout can change depending on how the store's administrators set them up. Also, some sections might not be set up to show on the store's homepage.
  1. New Releases: Check out our newest books.
  2. Featured Books: Find highlighted reads right on the homepage.
  3. Featured Subjects: Look into specific genres or themes.
  4. Featured Author: Learn about famous authors and their books.
  5. Trend Books: See what books are currently popular.
  6. Collections: Browse through special or discounted collections.
  7. Recommended Books: Get book suggestions based on what you like.
  8. Selected List: Find collections related to certain vendors, topics, or tags.


1. Where can I access my saved or purchased books?
The books you bought can be found in the library section.

2. How can I explore different topics or genres?
Navigate through various subjects to browse different topics available in the bookstore.

3. Where can I view and manage the books I've selected for purchase?
The Cart allows you to review your selected books and proceed to checkout if you're ready to purchase.

4. How can I select my preferred language for the store?
You can access the Language Menu from two locations:
  1. User Menu: Find the Language Menu option within the user menu located at the top of the page.
  2. Footer: Alternatively, scroll to the footer section, where the Language Menu is available for easy access.
5. Are there apps available for accessing bookstore content on different devices?
Yes, indeed! Our device-specific apps are in the footer section under the Download Apps category. Explore and discover tailored apps for a seamless reading experience across various devices.