Financial Sales Performance Report in Your Bookstore

Publishing Panel: Mastering Finance Sales Reports in Your Bookstore


Monitoring financial performance is essential for success in the dynamic world of electronic bookstores. A thorough overview of sales transactions, rental revenue, discounts, vendor shares, and other information is available in the Finance Sales Reports section of your electronic bookstore's administration panel. You may generate thorough reports using this robust tool based on a variety of variables and filters, allowing you to assess and comprehend the bookstore's financial situation. This manual will walk you through your selections and show you how to use the Finance Sales Reports area to your best advantage in order to learn important information.

Report Filters

This section allows filtering various options to create a customized report.

Type Filter

Users can utilize this option to produce specific reports based on various transaction types.
All: Reports are generated for all kinds of transactions, including those involving books and collections.
Books: Generates reports specifically for individual book sales.
Collection: Creates reports that are tailored for book collections or bundle sales.

Filter Book Type

This option allows you to generate reports specifically based on the format of the books involved in transactions.

Transaction Type

Based on the status of the transactions' completion, this option classifies them.
Success: Creates reports for transactions that are successfully completed.
Failed: Creates reports for transactions that are canceled or fail.
All: Produces reports for all kinds of transactions, whether successful or unsuccessful.


This tool offers numerous rental duration options and reports based on rental transactions.
All: Reports are generated for each rental transaction.
Renting: Creates reports for rentals that are active right now.
Weekly: Reports are produced using weekly rental durations.
Monthly: Reports are produced using monthly rental durations.
Yearly: Reports are produced using yearly rental durations.
Non-Rental: Produces reports for transactions other than rentals, like outright purchases.


Users can use this option to filter reports based on the discounts that have been applied to transactions.
All: Reports are generated for both discounted and non-discounted transactions.
With Discount: Reports are created specifically for transactions with discounts applied.
Without Discount: Produces specific reports for transactions without any discounts.

User(s) Filter

This enables you to choose a specific user or users to include in the reports that are generated. useful for investigating sales information from particular clients.

Vendor(s) Filter

Allows you to choose a certain vendor or vendors to include in the reports that are created. helpful for examining sales information from certain vendors or publishers.

This filter is not visible in the vendor's publishing panel.

Book(s)  Filter

This allows you to choose a specific book to produce reports on sales associated with that specific book.

Bundle(s) Filter 

This allows you to select certain collections or bundles to create reports on sales associated with those collections or bundles.

Start Date and End Date

Specify the time frame for which the sales reports should be generated. In order to examine sales within that timeframe, specify the start and end dates.


Based on your preferences, generates the sales reports using the set parameters and filters.


Returns all of the chosen options and filters to their initial settings.

Middle Page Components

The Middle Page Components display key summary data, such as total sales count, revenue, and discounts.
Total Count: This shows the total count of sales transactions that meet the chosen filters.
Total Price: Displays the total revenue from sales transactions that meet the chosen filters.
Total Discount: Reveals the total amount of discounts that have been applied to transactions that meet the chosen filters.
Excel Export: This enables you to share or export the generated sales reports to an Excel file for additional analysis.

Table of Information

The Table of Information offers a comprehensive breakdown of sales transactions, including buyer usernames, prices, vendor shares, and transaction types.
User: It shows the username of the buyer.
Price: Shows the individual price for each book or sold collection.
Vendor Share: Specifies the percentage of profits that are given to the vendor or publisher.
Organization Share: This shows the share of revenue that has been given to the bookstore organization.

This option is not visible in the vendor's publishing panel.

Organization Discount Share: This shows the share of discounts that have been given to the bookstore organization.

This option is not visible in the vendor's publishing panel

Vendor Discount Share: This shows how much of the discounts were given to the publisher or the vendor.
Discount: Displays the discount that was applied to each transaction.
Book Type: Identifies the format of the book—PDF, EPUP, or Audiobook.
Transaction Type: This shows the transaction's type, such as whether it was a rental or outright purchase.
Vendor: Names the publisher or vendor involved in the transaction.
Type: Specifies the product's type, such as whether it is just a single book or a collection.
Rental Type: Indicates whether the transaction is a non-rental purchase or the duration of the rental.


1. What exactly does the Finance Sales Reports section offer?
The Finance Sales Reports section provides a comprehensive view of various financial aspects within an electronic bookstore. It covers sales transactions, rental revenues, discounts, and vendor shares, aiding in a thorough analysis of the store's financial performance.

2. How can I customize the reports in the Finance Sales Reports section?
You can customize reports by using multiple filters. These filters include transaction types (All, Books, Collections), book formats, transaction statuses (Success, Failed), rental durations (Weekly, Monthly, Yearly), applied discounts, specific users, vendors, books, bundles, and a defined time frame.

3. Can I reset the filters and options to their initial settings?
Yes, the 'Reset' option allows you to revert all selected filters and options to their default settings. It's a convenient way to start a new report without the previously chosen parameters.

4. Is there a way to specifically analyze rental transactions?
Yes, the 'Rental' filter provides options to focus on rental transactions, including weekly, monthly, yearly durations, and a selection for non-rental purchases.

5. Can I isolate sales data for a particular book or bundle?
Absolutely, you can use the 'Book(s) Filter' or 'Bundle(s) Filter' to generate reports exclusively for specific books or collections, enabling a detailed analysis of their sales performance.

6. Is it possible to track sales related to a particular vendor or user?
Yes, the 'Vendor(s) Filter' and 'User(s) Filter' functionalities allow you to narrow down reports and analyze sales specifically associated with certain vendors or users.

7. Can I export the generated reports for further analysis?
Yes, the 'Excel Export' feature enables you to export the generated sales reports to an Excel file, facilitating additional in-depth analysis and data manipulation.

8. Are all the options and data available to vendors within their publishing panel?
No, certain data, like organization shares in revenue and discounts, is not visible in the vendor's publishing panel. The 'Vendor(s) Filter' is also not accessible to vendors.
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