Logs: Your Ultimate Tracker for Activities and Events

Publishing Panel: Track Every Action in Your Bookstore with Logs

This section serves as a detailed record, tracking all activities within the platform. It's especially useful for verifying and analyzing specific events and actions.

Accessing Logs

To view the logs, click on Logs in the Publishing Panel.

Table of Logs

The Table of Logs is a crucial tool for monitoring activities on the platform.

The Options in the Table of Logs

  1. Show Items: Choose how many entries to display per page (10, 25, 50, or 100).

  1. Search: Find specific log entries using the search bar.

  1. ID: The unique number for each log entry.

  1. Log Name: The name or title of the log entry.

  1. Description: Details about the activity.

  1. Subject Type: The category or area of the platform affected.

  1. Subject ID: The unique identifier for the subject affected.

  1. User ID: The number identifying the user who performed the action.

  1. Event: The type of action recorded (like deletion, update, etc.).

  1. Field ID: The identification code or label of the specific field or area affected by the action.

  1. Date: The date and time the event occurred.

  1. Show: A feature for admins to see more details about the events. 


1. What purpose does the "Logs" section serve in the Publishing Panel?
The "Logs" section provides a detailed record that tracks all activities within the platform. It is a comprehensive tool for verifying and analyzing specific events and actions.

2. How can I access the Logs?
To view the Logs, simply navigate to the Publishing Panel and click on the "Logs" section.

3. How can admins access further details about the events recorded in the Logs?
The "Show" feature permits administrators to access additional details about specific events recorded in the logs for comprehensive analysis.
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