The Features of The Table of Contents page in PUBNiTO Studio

Table of Contents in Authoring Studio

The Table of Contents (TOC) page in PUBNiTO Studio offers many features to enhance your content organization and streamline your navigation experience. Whether you are an author, editor, or publisher, mastering these features will help you create an easy and structured reading experience for your audience.

As observed in the Edit Interface, the Table of Contents serves as the default view within Studio's editing interface. It is where you create new chapters and sections and start editing chapters. You can also rearrange sections and chapters using drag-and-drop and modify the current status of each chapter.


1. How do I access the Table of Contents page in PUBNiTO Studio?
The TOC page is the default view within the Studio's editing interface. Upon entering the Edit Interface, you'll access the Table of Contents automatically.

2. What functions can I perform on the Table of Contents page?
  1. Chapter Creation: Generate new chapters and sections.
  2. Chapter Editing: Initiate edits within the existing chapters.
  3. Rearrangement: Reorder sections and chapters using the drag-and-drop feature.
  4. Status Modification: Modify the current status of each chapter for better organization.
3. How does the TOC contribute to the content organization in PUBNiTO Studio?
The TOC allows for easy chapter and section creation, simplifies navigation, and aids in maintaining a coherent structure within the book.

4. Are specific navigation tools or shortcuts available on the TOC page?
You can use drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange chapters and sections, making navigation smoother and content organization more flexible.

5. Can I set the status of chapters within the TOC for better management?
Absolutely! You can modify and adjust each chapter's status to maintain a clear and organized workflow.
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