Word Count Tool Usage and its Details

Using the Word Count Tool in Authoring Studio

Word Count is an important tool for anyone working with text. It helps you track the number of words and characters in your document.

Accessing the Tools Menu

1. Go to the top of your editor and click on the Tools menu.

2. Choose Word Count from the menu to open the Word Count modal.

Word Count Tool Details

In the Word Count modal, you'll see these stats:

For the Whole Book:

  1. Book Word Count: Total words in your book.
  2. Book Character Count: Total characters (not counting spaces) in your book.
  3. Book Character Count (with Spaces): Total characters (including spaces) in your book. 
For a Chapter:

  1. Word Count: number of words in the selected chapter.
  2. Character Count: Number of characters (not counting spaces) in the selected chapter.
  3. Character Count (with Spaces): Number of characters (including spaces) in the selected chapter.


1. What is the Word Count tool, and why is it important?
The Word Count tool helps users track the number of words and characters in a document, providing vital metrics for managing text length, meeting requirements, or assessing content volume.

2. How do I access the Word Count tool?
Follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to the top of your editor interface.
  2. Click on the "Tools" menu.
  3. Select "Word Count" from the menu to open the Word Count modal.
3. What information does the Word Count modal provide?
The Word Count modal displays the following details:
  1. For the Whole Book:
  1. Book Word Count: Total words in your entire book.
  2. Book Character Count: Total characters (excluding spaces) in your book.
  3. Book Character Count (with Spaces): Total characters (including spaces) in your book.
  1. For a Chapter:
  1. Word Count: Number of words in the selected chapter.
  2. Character Count: Number of characters (excluding spaces) in the selected chapter.
  3. Character Count (with Spaces): Number of characters (including spaces) in the selected chapter.
4. How can I utilize the information provided by the Word Count tool?
The word and character count to assist in meeting specific document requirements, gauging content length, or ensuring compliance with limitations set by publishers, platforms, or guidelines.

5. Can I use the Word Count tool for specific sections of my document?
Yes, the Word Count tool allows you to assess word and character counts for the entire document (whole book) or individual chapters, aiding in detailed analysis and management of text length.
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