Managing the Book Collection within the Library Page

Utilizing and Managing Your Store Library

The Library Page on our bookstore platform is a well-organized space for managing your book collection. It helps you easily find and sort your books according to your preferences.

Accessing the Library

Click the Library tab at the top of any page in your store.

Import Button

Use this to upload EPUB files for reading.

Note: Uploaded books don't have Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection.

Download App

For the best experience, use our latest app. They unlock the platform's full potential and give you full access to all book types.


It shows how many books you have in your library.

GRID/List View

Switch between grid and list views to browse however you like.

Sorting Options

Sort your library by:
  1. Recent additions
  2. Titles A to Z
  3. Title Z to A


  1. Place: Choose between books from the bookstore or your uploads.

  1. Search: Find specific titles in your library.

  1. Format: Select books by format (EPUB, PDF, audiobook).

  1. Status: Look for downloaded or undownloaded books.

  1. Authors: Find books by specific authors.

  1. Subjects: Search books by subjects.

  1. Only Expired: See books that have expired or are no longer available.

  1. Revision: Sort by different versions of books.


1. Can I identify expired books or no longer available in my Library?
Yes, you can utilize the Only Expired filter on the Library page to view books that have expired or are no longer accessible within your collection specifically.

2. How can I sort books by different versions in my Library?
Utilize the Revision filter to sort books by different versions available within your collection.

3. What does the Place filter in the Library mean?
The Place filter allows you to differentiate between books from the bookstore and those you've uploaded personally to your library.

4. What is the purpose of the 'Import' button in the Library?
The Import button allows you to upload EPUB files for reading within the platform. Please note that uploaded books do not have Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection.
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