A Guide to the Billing Account Page

Vendor Panel: Revealing Your Financial Transactions Through Billing Account

The Billing Account section in the Publishing Panel offers a detailed view of your financial activities. It shows important details like your total balance, credit and debit transactions, and start and end dates, making tracking and recording your finances easier.

How to Access Your Billing Account

In the Publishing Panel, click on Billing Account.

Features of the Billing Account Page

  1. Total Balance: This shows the net amount in your bookstore's account after deducting debits from credits.

  1. Credits: Displays the income from book sales within a certain period.

  1. Debits: Displays the deducted amounts allocated to contract parties or beneficiaries from book sales within the specified period.

  1. Start Date and End Date: Let's choose the period for which you want to see financial data.

  1. Download Excel File: Allows you to download all financial data as an Excel file for easy record-keeping and accounting.

Note: Only the vendor can see all financial transaction details. Vendor assistants can view the billing account but only see transactions related to their book purchases.

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