Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Ready-to-Publish Book
Vendor Panel: Step-by-Step Guide to Adding and Creating Books in PUBNiTO
Accessing the Book Page
Go to the Publishing Panel and click on Books.
Creating a Book
On the Books page, click on Create New
Book to get started.
Step Zero
Before filling out your data, you should choose
a book type. The book type you choose impacts the level of protection,
availability of features, and format support.
Selecting the Book Type
By clicking on the Book Type dropdown menu, you will see two options: Basic and Advanced.
Basic: Your book will be in EPUB3 format with simple
Advanced: Your book can be in EPUB3, PDF, or audiobook formats,
along with higher security features.
Clone from Another Book
If you wish to start your advanced book based on
an existing one, you can check the Clone from Another Book box.
Select from Existing Books
You can choose from existing advanced books to
select a template or sourcebook from which your new book will inherit its
Once done, click on Submit to
move on to the next steps.
Step 1: Metadata
In this step, you will provide essential
information about your book. This metadata ensures your book is properly
cataloged and presented to readers.
Language: Your book is
automatically saved in the bookstore's default language.
Book File Format: You can choose from EPUB3, PDF, or audiobook formats for
your advanced books.
Book Type: Name the type of book, such as interactive, fixed, or
reflowable, for books you have cloned.
Publisher: Enter the name of the book's publisher.
Title: Enter the book's original title.
Description: Describe your book clearly.
Tag: Add tags that describe your book's content. These tags
can influence where your book is displayed in the bookstore and the peer groups
you are compared against.
Publication Date: Select the original publishing date or choose the
current day.
ISBN: Enter your book's ISBN number.
Save Buttonor Save and Next Step
Button: You can save changes by
clicking on Save, or you can save and proceed by clicking on Save and Next Step.
Step 2: Book File
Upload your book file in the desired format.
Note: For the basic book type, you can upload an EPUB file
exclusively at this stage. However, for the advanced book type and the format
designated during the metadata step, you can upload the book file in accordance
with the selected format.
Book File: Upload your book file (maximum 400MB).
Step 3: Categories
Select subjects that best categorize your book.
This helps readers find your book among relevant titles.
Choose subjects from the drop-down menu to
categorize your book. Select one or more subjects that best describe it. If a
subject has attributes and values, a window will be displayed for you to make a
Step 4: Media
Your book cover is the face of your work. Upload
a proper cover image to make your book visually appealing to potential readers.
Book Cover Image: Upload a proper cover photo in JPG or 24-bit PNG format.
The image size should be 400x600 pixels.
Step 5: Author
Here, you will provide information about the
author or authors of the book.
You have the option to Select from
Existing Authors or Create New Authors.
Choosing from the Available Authors
Select from Existing Authors: In this field, you can search for the desired author by typing
their name. A list of results will appear based on your input. From the search
results, select the author you intend to associate with your book.
Author type in this Book: Use the drop-down menu to specify the author's role, such
as writer, reviewer, etc.
Add Button: Click to confirm the author's selection.
Creating a New Author
If the author is not in the existing list, click
the Create New Authors button. Following this action, a window for
entering information about the new author will appear.
Author Type in This Book: Select one of the available roles, such as author,
reviewer, etc., from the dropdown menu.
Name: Enter the author's full name for proper attribution.
Description: Provide a concise author description to give readers a
quick overview.
Image: Upload an author image for visual identity.
Biography: Share a comprehensive author biography for a deeper
Quote: Add a noteworthy author quote to engage readers.
Website: Include a link to the author's website for further
Facebook: You can provide a link to the author's Facebook page,
allowing readers to engage with the author in a social context.
Instagram: In this section, include a link to the author's Instagram
profile, which is a platform focused on visual content. It enables readers to
connect with the author and explore their visual storytelling.
Add Authors or Cancel: After entering the author's details, you have the choice
to confirm and add the author by clicking Add Authors. Alternatively, if you need to cancel or make further adjustments, you can use
the Cancel button. This provides flexibility and control over the
author selection process.
Note: The definition of roles such as translator and narrator
is done in the administrator console.
Step 6: Price
Decide whether your book will be free or priced,
and set the appropriate cost. You can also choose to allow or restrict
downloading a free sample of your book.
Price/Free Button: Choose whether you want to sell your book or offer it
for free.
Price Field: If your book is for sale, please enter the desired price
in this field.
If you intend to offer your book for
rent, you have the option to activate weekly, monthly, and annual rental
choices. Enabling each of these options will display a price field below, where
you can specify the rental fee. However, if you prefer to offer the book for
rent for free, simply enter "0".
Note: You also have the option to enable multiple rental
choices if desired.
Sample Book: By activating this option, users will have a limited
opportunity to preview and read your book, typically for a defined period, such
as ten minutes, prior to making a purchase.
Note: The duration of the book's sample access is determined
in the administrator console.
Publication Status
After completing all the steps related to
creating the book, click on Save. Your book will be placed on
the pending list and will require approval by the bookstore's owner for
final publication.
1. What are the steps involved in creating a book in
The book creation process involves several steps:
Step Zero:
Selecting Book Type
Choose between
"Basic" and "Advanced" book types, impacting security
levels, features, and supported formats.
Step 1: Metadata
essential book information like language, format, publisher, title,
description, tags, publication date, and ISBN.
Step 2: Book File
Upload the
book file in the selected format (EPUB3, PDF, or audiobook).
Step 3: Categories
relevant subjects to categorize the book.
Step 4: Media
Upload a book
cover image in JPG or PNG format (400x600 pixels).
Step 5: Author
Select from
existing authors or create new ones, providing details like name, role,
description, image, biography, and social media links.
Step 6: Price
Set the book
price, enable rent options (weekly, monthly, yearly), and activate the sample
book feature for previews. Save the book for review and approval by the
bookstore's owner before publication.
Additional Note: If rich custom metadata is already
designed, it will be integrated into the respective steps of the book creation
2. How do I choose between "Basic" and
"Advanced" book types during book creation?
The book type (Basic or Advanced) impacts features and
security when creating a book. You can select this during Step Zero of the book
creation process.
3. How can I activate the sample book feature during book
During the pricing stage of book creation, you can
activate the sample book option to allow users a limited preview before
4. What role does the Administrator Console play in
setting the duration of sample book access?
The Administrator Console allows owners to determine the
duration of user sample book access.
5. What is the status of a newly created book before
final publication?
After creating a book, it is saved as pending and
requires approval by the bookstore owner for final publication.
This page serves as a control center for book management, efficiently presenting crucial book informations. With visual search and sorting capabilities, it ensures easy navigation. Moreover, it also enables the creation of new books on this page. ...
ONIX, short for ONline Information eXchange, is a standardized format used across the publishing industry to exchange detailed metadata about books and other media products. This XML-based format is widely used by publishers, booksellers, and ...
Understanding the distinctions between Basic and Advanced book types in PUBNiTO is essential for authors and publishers who seek to optimize their content delivery. Understanding these distinctions allows publishers and authors to choose the book ...
In PUBNiTO, the concept of sample books plays a crucial role in providing users with a unique and valuable experience. A sample book in PUBNiTO lets readers access the entire book, but with a time limit. Admins have the flexibility to adjust the ...
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