A Guide to Importing WORD Files to Studio

What Can be Imported from WORD Files to Studio?

While it might seem a little complicated, our experience is that you can get hold of it after a couple of trial and errors.

1. Table of Contents
  • Only single level TOC is supported
  • In order for a heading to be recognized as chapter heading, it must have Heading1 style. Other styles are only shown as highlighted text with a different size.
  • If a heading with Heading1 style is not followed by text, it will not be recognized as an empty chapter. Instead, the next heading which has content is combined with the former heading. This will be a new chapter until next Heading 1 is seen. So, Studio does not support content-less structure when importing from a WORD file and you may need to reconstruct it after import. In comparison, such content-less chapters are supported when importing EPUB files into the Studio.
  • If you use different styles, such as Title, these will not be recognized in the table of contents. However, you can use them to highlight a subject within a chapter.
  • Condition to observing all standards while adding Endnote and Bibliography to the WORD file, these parts are recognized as separate chapters at the end of the imported book.
  • If your WORD file uses Cross-Reference, Mark Entry, or Indexing of certain words, note that these are not recognized when importing. Instead, we suggest that you use Bibliography or Endnote (in combination with Heading 1).
    Mark Entry is highly dependent on Microsoft WORD and is rarely used.
2. Paragraph and Line Spacing

Line spacing is not recognized by Studio. However, first line of paragraph indentation or complete paragraph indentation are recognized and reflected in the imported book.

3. Alignment is recognized and supported

4. Bullets and Numbering
  • These are supported. If you wish to start a fresh numbering you need to add a blank like just before the bulleted content. However, if you are adding bullets just at the beginning or end of a paragraph there is no need for the extra blank line.
  • Alphabets are not supported in bullets.
  • Other symbols as bullets are not supported. WORD uses its special fonts for these and are not supported in Studio.
5. Images and Captions
  • Images within tables or cells are recognized and imported to Studio. However, there is no significant control over them. For example, images in WORD are imported in their original size and therefore any layout and size enforced within the WORD document is lost. We recommend that images are placed in the WORD file as simple as possible. Alternatively, we suggest that you delete them after importing content and place them again from Media Manager. At the same time, as layout of images are also imported to the Studio, some experts might be able to re impose them over imported images.
  • Captions in images inside the WORD file must have been added using Insert Caption. If not, Studio will recognize any text above or below the image as separate texts. This will affect the layout of the book inside Studio.
  • Change of size of images, Cropped images, Imaged with Effects, and Images with Layouts are not supported when importing. Studio recognizes images in their original size and adds them to the text. Images with layout are not imported. You need to add them to the Studio or Media Manager manually and add to the text with your desired layout.
6. Tables
  1. WORD uses text wrap and size adjustment in order to create orderly and aligned content in cells. Text wrap is not recognized by Studio. However, Studio is able to adjust size, merge cells, and some other features.
7. Footnote and Endnote
  1. You should use the References Menu in Word and then use Endnote option to turn all Footnotes to Endnote. You must observe the following in the WORD file to successfully import Endnote to Studio:
  • Use Endnote and place it at the End of Section 
  • Use numbers for endnote numbering 
  • Start from 1 
  • Use Restart in Section in the Numbering part. 
  • In “Apply Changes To” pick “Whole Document” option.
  1. With some trial and error, you will get hold of this!
8. Text Customization
  • Font color not supported
  • Underline not supported
  • RTL and LTR supported
  • Indentation supported
  • Citation is supported
  • Links:
  • External links supported
  • Internal links not supported
9. The following features in WORD are not supported in import from WORD to Studio:
  • Shape and Canvas
  • Multilevel list
  • Header, Footer, and Page number
  • Cover Page
  • Page Break
  • Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Charts, Formula, and Textbox
  • Cross reference
  • Page border and shading and color and watermark
  • Columns and Layout
  • Mark Entry and Indexing
We have attached a sample WORD file which perfectly converts to EPUB if you import it while creating a book. This is just to give you an idea. This is not for publishing under any circumstances.


1. What WORD features are not supported during import in Studio?
  1. Shape, Canvas, and Multilevel lists
  2. Header, Footer, Page number, and Cover Page
  3. Page Break, OLE, Charts, Formula, Textbox
  4. Cross-references, Page border, shading, watermark
  5. Columns, Layout, Mark Entry, Indexing
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